Upgrade Oracle Enterprise Linux 7 Servers

Upgrade Linux servers version 7 to version 8 before they reach EOL and lose security updates on 12/2/24

Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL) 7 is expiring by 12/1, no updates to the OS will be provided post that. Servers will be at risk if we don’t upgrade to version 8. Upgrades will bring all Linux servers to a single flavor/version of the Linux OS thus creating one OS Linux standard, reduce work to secure/maintain Linux servers eliminating the need/work to deploy Defender ATP on Linux version 7. 

Benefits of this project:

  • Improved security 

  • Improved performance of applications 

  • Staying compliant with current infrastructure 

  • Standardized version of Linux OS will help eliminate redundant work for multiple versions of OS 

Requested By

Information Technology Services



Start Date

Monday, April 8, 2024

Delivery Date

Monday, December 2, 2024